
Landing page / mograph

Year to Date 2022

> Lead Designer x Art Direction
> Webflow Developer
> Brand Identity
> Webflow Build x Experience
> Social media distribution
> Video Promo
Project Details:
A full scroll experience including a dimensional parallax along with interactions. The experience in movement and depth bring together the combination of Attentive’s illustration style and early explorations of photography. Included in the build are button interactions, mega-nav share features and a new glossy and frosty navigation bar. A full suite of company wide statistics and NEW features launched throughout 2022 are featured on the site. Highlighted are expansion moments, awards, the very first Thread conference, culture details and company contributions.

A few challenges that I faced and resolved were exploring the new combination of the illustration style and photography. Attentive's brand strategy before was strictly defined by illustration visuals. A proposed problem was: we need to show more of our team. In contrast to the year before, only illustration was used. I collected and put together a collection of images from in-person events, product shots, product ui examples and internal team photography. Encapsulating all the visual examples helped keep a consistent system and expectation.

I built a design system to collaborate with my peer brand designers. I assigned which topics they would need to illustrator for with a fresh coat of paint being applied to follow this specific art direction. Illustrations from our brand library were reworked to fit this years end of year campaign.

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Team Credits:

Director of Brand Design: Max Valiquette
Art Director: Julie Safferstein
Senior Video Production Manager: Garrett Weinholtz
Lead Brand Designer: Joel Velasquez