
product launch / mograph

Growth Marketing Ads

> Production Designer
> Ads
> Email banners
> Email hero's
Project Details:
The Growth team at Webflow asked the Brand team to support a few A/B tests for Testimonial and Case study initiatives. I created these templates and final assets that will be the directions applied to following campaigns. This creative direction will be followed for other Webflow customer stories. These ads will live on social channels such as Facebook and LinkedIn. 1:1 and 9:16 orientations were executed and adjusted for. I explored a few options for the testimonial versions. I wanted our team to test the different sizes of copy to come back with data on which size to continue building upon. We also wanted to test whether our customers/target audience need a visual accompanying the copy or testing the theory that copy of what our current customers have to say was more important.

Selected Marketing Creative

Project Details:
These are a select few of email banners, email hero images, and promotional assets. All in support of company growth.