
page refresh / ads

CashBack Page

> Lead Brand Designer
> Page Refresh prototype
> Spot Illustrations
> Calculator prototype
> Growth marketing ads
> Case Study video
> Video ads + captioning
Project Details:
Postscripts marketing team asked Studios (Brand team) to help refresh one of the pillar pages of the marketing site. /cashback had been launched along with the company rebrand, however Postscript has since acquired Fondue, the cashback front runner. The content and visuals were outdated on the previously launched page. I worked with a PMM to update not only the data and content but add additional resources on this page. The page consisted of updated data, content, switch insentives, a functional offer calculator and a brand new testimonial from one of Postscripts top clients, True Classic. This video was produced with my Case Study testimonial video templates and art direction.

I collaborated with a developer to execute the LIVE calculator that internal sales teams and clients use to generate their data. This calculator was a new addition to the refresh of the page. It shows a conservative estimate in the difference in profitability that you could expect. Postscripts internal team uses it as a tool in their stack to provide realistic information based on the products newly acquired Fondue (a postscript company). This is an example of providing a useful tool within your marketing ecosystem. I was able to iterate and provide a functional prototype to our developer by understanding the logic behind the calculations.

Page build

Testimonial Video

Ad Campaign

Project Details:
As part of our Growth Marketing initiatives, our Digital Marketing Manager partnered with the brand team to launch a set of assets around the CashBack talking point. Landing pages, ads and testimonial videos were used in hopes to generate leads and schedule demo's + sales conversations. I lead the initiative on the Brand side by using the already established CashBack launch moniker. Topics such as Product, customer testimonials, comparisons, case studies and blog articles were the guides for our Ad set. I was provided copy and resources to come up with (6) different sets of ad groups. These ads were paid ads launched on Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram. Here are a few examples of what was launched.

Postscripts CMO got behind the camera and executed on some personal advice on what CashBack can do for you, the customers. Repurposing this footage for some killer paid ads was a no-brainer. I used my motion gfx design system to brand these videos and segment some callouts and special moments within these short bite-sized ads. We also repurposed the True Classic footage to generate some additional customer perspective ads.
Video Ad - CMO Mike Manheimer
Paid Ad set